cinnamon roll waffles Recipe

the world of breakfast delights, a new champion has emerged, blending the sweet, comforting flavors of a classic treat with the crispy, satisfying texture of a morning staple. Imagine starting your day with something that’s not only incredibly delicious but also easy to make and versatile enough to suit any topping preference. Yes, we’re talking about cinnamon roll waffles, a genius culinary mash-up that promises to elevate your breakfast experience to new heights. This article dives deep into everything you need to know about making cinnamon roll waffles, from the simple ingredients and steps to tips for achieving perfection. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen newbie, get ready to impress your taste buds and those of your loved ones with this irresistible breakfast creation.

 Introduction to Cinnamon Roll Waffles recipe

The Ultimate Breakfast Mash-Up

What happens when you take two beloved breakfast heroes and combine them into one? You get cinnamon roll waffles, the ultimate breakfast mash-up that’s taking the world by storm. This delightful concoction is exactly what it sounds like: cinnamon rolls cooked in a waffle iron to create a sweet, indulgent treat that’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to spice up their breakfast routine with something new and exciting.

What Are Cinnamon Roll Waffles?

Cinnamon roll waffles are a creative twist on traditional waffles, infusing the rich, warm flavors of cinnamon rolls into a quick and easy waffle format. By using refrigerated cinnamon roll dough, you can whip up these waffles in no time, making them perfect for busy mornings or leisurely weekend brunches. The result? A breakfast dish that’s not only mouthwateringly delicious but also incredibly satisfying and versatile.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

There are countless reasons to fall head over heels for cinnamon roll waffles. For starters, they’re insanely easy to make. With just a few simple ingredients and a waffle iron, you can have a decadent breakfast on the table in minutes. Plus, they’re a hit with both kids and adults alike, making them a fantastic option for family breakfasts or special occasions.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. These waffles are the epitome of customizable. Whether you prefer them topped with the classic cream cheese glaze, fresh berries, or even a dollop of Nutella, the possibilities are endless. And let’s not forget the added bonus of that irresistible cinnamon aroma filling your kitchen, making these waffles a sensory delight in every way.

So, whether you’re a cinnamon roll aficionado or a waffle enthusiast, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that promises to bring the best of both worlds to your breakfast table. Stay tuned as we dive into the ingredients, the step-by-step recipe, and all the tips and tricks you need to master the art of making cinnamon roll waffles.

Ingredients and Equipment 

Everything You Need for Cinnamon Roll Waffles

Embarking on the journey to create the perfect cinnamon roll waffles begins with gathering your ingredients and equipment. Fear not, for this recipe calls for simplicity and convenience, ensuring that anyone can whip up this breakfast treat without a hitch.

Key Ingredients

To make these heavenly waffles, you’ll need:

  • Refrigerated Cinnamon Rolls: The star of the show. Opt for Pillsbury Grands-style cinnamon rolls if you’re aiming for larger, fluffier waffles. However, any brand or size will do—just keep an eye on the cooking time as it may vary.
  • Cream Cheese Icing

    : Typically included with your refrigerated cinnamon rolls. We’ll jazz it up a bit to create a luscious glaze that perfectly complements the waffles.

  • Powdered Sugar

    : For that extra sweetness in your glaze. It’s crucial to use powdered sugar to achieve a smooth, clump-free texture.

  • Milk: This will help thin out the glaze to your desired consistency. Feel free to adjust the amount based on how thick or runny you like your icing.
  • Vanilla Extract: A splash of vanilla adds depth and richness to the glaze, elevating the overall flavor of your waffles.

Recommended Equipment

  • Waffle Iron: The key tool for transforming your cinnamon rolls into waffles. If you’re a regular waffle maker, consider investing in a Belgian waffle iron for deeper pockets and a more impressive presentation.
  • Mixing Bowl: For preparing the glaze. Choose one that’s easy to pour from for a mess-free experience.
  • Whisk: Essential for mixing your glaze ingredients into a smooth, lump-free sauce.
  • Baking Spray: To prevent sticking, especially if your waffle iron isn’t non-stick. A light coat between each batch ensures your waffles come out easily and intact.

With your ingredients and equipment ready, you’re all set to move on to the exciting part—making the waffles. Before we delve into the step-by-step recipe, let’s pause to admire this dish’s beauty. It merges the comfort of cinnamon rolls with waffle convenience, sparking kitchen creativity. Perfect for special occasions or enhancing weekend breakfasts, cinnamon roll waffles are bound to dazzle.

Stay tuned as we guide you through the process of creating these delectable treats, complete with tips for achieving the perfect texture and flavor. Get ready to take your breakfast game to the next level!

Step-by-Step Recipe cinnamon roll waffles


How to Make Cinnamon Roll Waffles

Transforming your average breakfast into a delightful feast is easier than you might think. With this straightforward recipe, you’ll have cinnamon roll waffles ready in no time, filling your kitchen with the irresistible aroma of cinnamon and freshly baked waffles. Let’s dive into the steps to create this mouthwatering breakfast treat.

Preparing the Waffle Iron

First things first, let’s get that waffle iron ready. Preheat your waffle iron to ensure it’s hot and ready to go. If it’s not a non-stick model, give it a light spray with baking spray to prevent the cinnamon rolls from sticking. This little prep step is crucial for achieving that perfect waffle texture—crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside.

Mixing the Ingredients

While the waffle iron is heating up, it’s time to prepare the glaze. In a mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese icing (that comes with the cinnamon rolls), powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract. Whisk these ingredients together until smooth. The goal here is to create a luscious, pourable glaze that will perfectly complement the warm waffles. Feel free to adjust the consistency by adding more milk or powdered sugar as needed.

Cooking Your Waffles to Perfection

Now, for the exciting part—turning those cinnamon rolls into waffles:

  1. Open your can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls and separate them.
  2. Place a cinnamon roll in the center of the preheated waffle iron. Close the lid and cook for about 3-4 minutes, or until the waffle is golden brown and cooked through. The exact time may vary depending on your waffle iron and the size of the cinnamon rolls.
  3. Carefully remove the waffle from the iron and repeat with the remaining cinnamon rolls.
  4. Once all your waffles are cooked, drizzle them with the prepared glaze, ensuring each square pocket gets a generous dose of sweetness.

And there you have it—cinnamon roll waffles that are sure to dazzle anyone lucky enough to try them. The beauty of this recipe lies not only in its simplicity but also in the joy it brings to the breakfast table. Whether you’re enjoying a lazy Sunday morning or looking for a quick yet indulgent weekday breakfast, these waffles are the perfect choice.

But don’t stop there! Remember, these waffles are a canvas for your culinary creativity. Top them with fresh berries, a dollop of whipped cream, or even a sprinkle of toasted nuts for an extra crunch. The possibilities are endless, and the choice is all yours.

Stay tuned as we move on to share some invaluable tips and tricks for mastering cinnamon roll waffles, ensuring every batch turns out just as heavenly as the last. Get ready to become the breakfast champion in your household!

Tips and Tricks for the Best Cinnamon Roll Waffles

Mastering the art of making cinnamon roll waffles is all about knowing a few handy tips and tricks. These little nuggets of wisdom ensure that every batch turns out perfectly, making your breakfast experience truly unforgettable. Let’s dive into some expert advice to help you elevate your waffle game.

Achieving the Perfect Crisp

One of the joys of waffles is that delightful crispiness on the outside, paired with a soft, fluffy interior. To achieve this:

  • Preheat your waffle iron: This is crucial for a crispy exterior. A hot waffle iron sears the outside of the cinnamon roll immediately, locking in the softness inside while creating a crispy shell.
  • Don’t overfill: Place just one cinnamon roll in the center of the waffle iron to ensure even cooking and a perfectly shaped waffle. Overfilling can lead to uneven cooking and a mess.
  • Wait for the steam: A good indicator that your waffle is nearly done is when the steam starts to lessen. Once the steam stops, give it another 30 seconds, then check. The reduced steam means the moisture has mostly cooked off, leaving you with a crispy waffle.

Flavor Variations and Toppings

While cinnamon roll waffles are delicious on their own, don’t be afraid to get creative with toppings and flavor variations. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Fresh fruit: A topping of fresh berries or sliced bananas adds a refreshing contrast to the sweet waffle.
  • Nutella and hazelnuts: For a decadent treat, spread a thin layer of Nutella over your waffles and sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts.
  • Peanut butter and bacon: For a savory twist, drizzle peanut butter over your waffles and top with crispy bacon pieces.
  • Classic maple syrup: Sometimes, you can’t beat the classics. A drizzle of maple syrup over your waffle brings a traditional breakfast feel with a cinnamon twist.

Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite. The beauty of cinnamon roll waffles is their versatility, making them the perfect base for all kinds of delicious experiments.

Keeping Your Waffles Warm

If you’re cooking for a crowd or want to keep your waffles warm while you finish the batch, here’s a simple trick: Preheat your oven to 200°F (about 93°C) and place a wire rack on a baking sheet. As you cook each waffle, transfer it to the wire rack and keep it in the oven. This method keeps your waffles warm and crispy until you’re ready to serve.

Armed with these tips and tricks, you’re well on your way to becoming a cinnamon roll waffle master. Remember, the key to great waffles is not just in the recipe but in the technique and the love you put into making them. So, go ahead, get creative, and most importantly, enjoy the process and the delicious results.

Stay tuned as we delve into the nutritional aspects of cinnamon roll waffles, helping you make informed choices about your indulgent breakfast treat.

Nutritional Information

When indulging in the sweet delight of cinnamon roll waffles, it’s helpful to have a sense of their nutritional content. Understanding the balance of indulgence and nutrition can help you enjoy this treat as part of a well-rounded diet. Let’s break down the nutritional aspects of this delectable breakfast option.

Health Considerations

Cinnamon roll waffles, while undeniably delicious, are a treat best enjoyed in moderation. The primary components—refrigerated cinnamon rolls and cream cheese icing—are high in sugar and calories. However, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, they can fit into your meal plan for special occasions or as an occasional treat.

To make this dish a bit healthier, consider the following adjustments:

  • Use low-fat cream cheese for the icing to reduce the fat content.
  • Add fresh fruit toppings like berries or sliced apples to increase the fiber and nutrient density of your meal.

Caloric Content and Serving Size

A single serving of cinnamon roll waffles (one waffle) typically contains:

  • Calories: Approximately 300-400, depending on the size of the cinnamon roll and the amount of icing used.
  • Fat: 14-18 grams, with a significant portion coming from saturated fat due to the butter and cream cheese.
  • Carbohydrates: 40-50 grams, with sugar accounting for a substantial part of this.
  • Protein: 5-7 grams, offering a small amount of staying power to help balance the meal.

Remember, these numbers are estimates and can vary based on the specific products used and how the waffles are prepared and served.

Enjoying cinnamon roll waffles as a part of a balanced breakfast can also mean pairing them with protein-rich sides like Greek yogurt or a handful of nuts. This combination can help slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

In summary, while cinnamon roll waffles are a delightful treat, being mindful of portion sizes and making a few healthier tweaks can allow you to enjoy them without overindulging. By pairing them with nutritious sides or toppings, you can create a more balanced meal that satisfies your sweet tooth and your nutritional needs.

As we delve further into the realm of cinnamon roll waffles, the upcoming section will offer guidance on storing and reheating your waffles. This ensures they stay as tasty as the moment they left the waffle iron. Stay tuned for practical tips to keep your waffles fresh and ready to enjoy anytime.

Storage and Reheating

Whether you’re meal prepping for a busy week ahead or you’ve simply made too many cinnamon roll waffles to eat in one sitting, knowing how to properly store and reheat your waffles can ensure they remain as delicious as when they were freshly made. Let’s dive into the best practices for keeping your waffles fresh and ready to enjoy at a moment’s notice.

Keeping Your Waffles Fresh

For Short-Term Storage:

  • Once cooled to room temperature, place the waffles in an airtight container or wrap them individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This method prevents them from drying out and maintains their texture.
  • Store in the refrigerator if you plan to eat them within 3-4 days. The cool environment helps preserve their freshness and prevents spoilage.

For Long-Term Storage:

  • For waffles you want to keep longer, freezing is your best option. Arrange the cooled waffles in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze them for about an hour or until solid. This step prevents them from sticking together.
  • Once frozen, transfer the waffles to a freezer-safe bag or container. Squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing to prevent freezer burn.
  • Label the bag with the date, and your waffles will be good for up to 3 months in the freezer. This way, you can enjoy cinnamon roll waffles even when you’re short on time.

Reheating for the Best Taste

Reheating your waffles properly can make them nearly as good as when they were fresh. Here are the best methods for reheating:

In the Toaster:

  • This method works well for individual waffles, providing a quick and easy way to bring back the waffle’s crispiness. Simply pop a frozen or refrigerated waffle into the toaster and heat until it’s warm and crispy again.


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the waffles on a baking sheet and cover them with aluminum foil to prevent them from drying out. Heat for about 10 minutes (a bit longer if they’re frozen), or until they’re thoroughly warmed and regain some of their crispiness.


  • While not the best method for maintaining crispiness, the microwave can be used for a quick warm-up. Place a waffle on a microwave-safe plate and heat on high for 30-60 seconds. Be aware that this method may make the waffles a bit softer than desired.

Following these tips will ensure your cinnamon roll pancakes stay delicious. Enjoy it even on busy mornings. This saves time and reduces food waste, which is a win-win for tasting your delicious creations.

As we wrap up our comprehensive guide to cinnamon roll waffles, remember that the joy of cooking lies in the process as much as in the final product. Experiment with toppings, enjoy the aromas filling your kitchen, and most importantly, share the delicious results with those you love.

Frequently Asked Questions


Gluten-Free Adaptations

For those avoiding gluten, the good news is that you can still enjoy cinnamon roll waffles. Use gluten-free cinnamon roll dough, which some brands offer. As with any dietary restriction, always check the labels to ensure the ingredients meet your needs.

Can I Use Homemade Cinnamon Rolls?

Definitely! If you have the time and prefer homemade recipes, making your cinnamon roll dough from scratch adds a personal touch to your waffles. Homemade dough can also be customized according to dietary preferences, such as using alternative flours or sweeteners.

How Do I Prevent the Waffles from Sticking to the Iron?

Even if you’re using a non-stick waffle iron, lightly greasing it with baking spray or a dab of oil helps ensure the waffles come out easily. For best results, apply a light coat of grease before cooking each waffle.

Can I Add Extras to the Waffle Batter?

While the base of your waffle is technically a cinnamon roll, feel free to get creative with additions. Sprinkle in some nuts, chocolate chips, or a dash of extra cinnamon before closing the waffle iron for an added flavor boost.

What’s the Best Way to Serve Cinnamon Roll Waffles?

These waffles are incredibly versatile. Serve them hot with a generous drizzle of the cream cheese glaze, and if you like, add a side of fresh fruit, a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a dessert twist, or a dollop of whipped cream. They’re also fantastic with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or a drizzle of maple syrup.

Can Cinnamon Roll Waffles Be Made Ahead of Time?

Yes, they can! To enjoy your waffles later, simply follow the storage and reheating tips in Part VI. This makes them a perfect option for quick breakfasts throughout the week or for serving a crowd without the morning rush.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, we hope to dispel any doubts and boost your confidence in baking delicious cinnamon pancakes. Remember, cooking is as much about the journey as the destination. Therefore, embrace the process, experiment with flavors, and, most importantly, relish in sharing your culinary creations with friends and family.

How do I make pancakes with waffle mix?

To make pancakes with waffle mix, follow the instructions on the mix but adjust the liquid content to make the batter slightly runnier than waffle batter. Typically, this means adding a bit more water or milk. Mix until smooth, then pour onto a heated and lightly greased pan. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook until golden brown…read more

Can you make waffles without baking powder?

Yes, you can make waffles without baking powder by using alternatives like whipped egg whites to add lightness and volume. Separate the eggs, beat the whites until stiff peaks form, and fold them into your batter. This method can help achieve a fluffy texture without baking powder…read more

How to keep waffles warm?

To keep waffles warm, preheat your oven to 200°F (about 93°C) and place a wire rack on a baking sheet. As you cook each waffle, transfer it to the wire rack and keep it in the oven. This method prevents the waffles from becoming soggy and keeps them warm until you’re ready to serve….read more

Cream Waffle

A cream waffle refers to a waffle that incorporates cream into the batter or is served with a creamy topping, such as whipped cream or a cream-based sauce. To make a cream waffle, you can substitute some of the liquid in your waffle batter with heavy cream for a richer taste, or simply top your cooked waffles with freshly whipped cream and your choice of fruits or syrup.

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